#1. Be patient!
Patience is a top travel tip. Don’t sweat over the things you can’t control. Life is too short to be angry & annoyed all the time while traveling. Did you miss your bus? No worries, there will be another one. Although it may be hard sometimes, try to take a deep breath and remind yourself that it could be worse.
#2: Wake Up Early to Avoid Crowds
Rise before sunrise to have the best attractions all to yourself while avoiding large tourist crowds. It’s also a magical time for photos due to soft diffused light, and it’s usually easier to interact with locals getting ready for their day.
Observe Daily Life Around You
If you really want to get a feel for the pulse of a place, spend a few hours sitting in a park or on a busy street corner by yourself just watching day to day life happen in front of you. Slow down your pace and pay close attention to the details around you. The smells, the colors, human interactions, and sounds. It’s a kind of meditation — and you’ll see stuff you never noticed before. You’ll really absorb the destination this way, and remember these moments long after you leave.
#4: Slow down to enjoy your trip
All the good stuff happens when you really take the time to explore. You’ll learn about activities that aren’t in your guidebook and meet people who are eager to show you around.
Spend more time in fewer places for maximum enjoyment.
#5: Take lots of epic travel photos
Don’t worry about looking like a “tourist”. Great photos are the ultimate souvenirs. They don’t cost anything, they’re easy to share, and they don’t take up space in your luggage. Take plenty of photos of yourself with other people too, they’ll be more important than your postcard shots later.
#6: Keep an open mind
Don’t judge the lifestyles or customs of others. Listen to opinions you don’t agree with. It’s arrogant to assume your views are correct and other people are wrong. Practice empathy and put yourself in someone else’s shoes. Embrace different possibilities, opinions, religions, customs, and interests. Ask questions. You don’t have to agree with everyone, but you may be surprised what you’ll learn from the people you meet during your travels.
#7: Learn A Few Foreign Words
There’s no need to be fluent in order to visit a foreign country. However, one tip I’ve learned is to master a few phrases in the local language; this can improve your travel experience. Hello, please, thank you, nice to meet you, excuse me, sorry, are very useful!